Monday, 21 May 2012

The craftiness continues

I have set up a Folksy shop to sell some of my creations! (Shameless plug)

Folksy is basically the UK version of Etsy. I've taken lots of photos which aren't entirely up to scratch, but they'll have to do and hopefully with practise they'll get a bit better. John really likes my bracelets and he thought it was a great idea for me to sell them. He set me a challenge - if I can sell just one or two within the next month, he'll buy me loads of tools and materials so I can keep making them without worrying about the cost. Challenge accepted!

Here are some of the bracelets I have made in the past couple of days (except for one, which John liked so much he took it home with him - I guess that's a compliment!)

These are the odds-and-ends ones I made from plastic beads. I'm selling these in colour-co-ordinated sets of three:

And these are the ones I made with glass beads and woven hemp - I'm really proud of these ones! The one John took was also made from hemp, it was black and had tiny turquoise beads running along it, and closed with a big green glass bead. My favourite is the blue one at the bottom:

I also had a fun time playing with shrink plastic (or as I like to call them, shrinky dinks). I have loads of ideas for designs, and here are the ones I made this afternoon. They each have a hole punched at the top so I can attach them to a jump ring and then add them to bracelets/necklaces. I wish I had photographed them next to a coin or something for size reference, but they are really tiny and I'm amazed they kept their detail:

My favourite is the rainbow, the colours are so vivid and it looks surprisingly professional! I had the idea of making a bigger version of the cloud, with extra holes at the bottom, and attaching some little clear droplet-shaped beads I have, to look like rain falling down. But there is only so much I can do in one day, and I'm still waiting for the equipment I ordered online to arrive.

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